Sunday, May 24, 2009

Graduation: A Time To Let Go and Let God

Jeremiah 29:11"I know the plans I have for you said the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I'll never forget how I felt watching my first born walk across that stage last year to receive her diploma. Although it felt like a great accomplishment on both of our parts, it was also like loosing one of my very own. This is such a bitter sweet time for parents. You are so proud that your child is moving to the next level but at the same time your so worried. They won't be under your watching eye and no one will be there to enforce the laws you've created to help them perserve their integrity.

Nevertheless, we must remember that God plans far exceeds the range of our watchful eyes. He has a predesigned plan for your child and now He's the one watching them. It is always my prayer that Raiyawna "Mooney" remember God's word when she's away. My laws are disabled but God's Word is never changing. I tried to align my parenting with His word so in all, I pray that her understanding of His word will govern her heart, mind, and soul.

As you prepare to make the shift concerning you children; remember you never stop loving them as they meet new levels in their lives, you just change the strategy. You become parent-friend and you remember that God has a plan just for them. It's to prosper them and not to harm them and it's all about the next level in their lives for His glory. Good job parents, you've made it this far and God honors you for a job well done. Now, give the job back to Him and watch how your child grows into an adult.

Be blessed, Danyelle Congratulations Tyria We're Proud of You!

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