Sunday, May 17, 2009

Walk In Wisdom

Have you ever just stopped? Sometimes it is so important that we just stop. Take a look at all that you are doing and evaluate your actions according to your purpose. I know, it's so easy to get caught up in stuff that don't matter! It's also so easy to get caught up in folks whose connection is more about getting more from you, than giving to you. That's why you have to frequently stop!

Stopping helps you to make a responsive decision. Notice when you stop doing what you do, those whom you may be handicapping by being you....will begin to make some things happen for themselves. Stopping also helps you to wait on revelation. You'll be able to hear from God concerning where you are and where you need to be. During your stop, it's a chance to forget about some things, and pray about everything. Stopping also allows you to operate in wisdom. You've seen that you have already wasted time and now that you know what doesn't work for you (for your purpose), now you can walk in wisdom. Wisdom helps you to realize that it was just a season for time wasting, people chasing, and tradition catering.....and after wisdom helps you realize the time waste, it's ushers you towards time management. Wisdom helps you to number your days!!!!! It also give you the confidence through faith to do something different. When you walk in wisdom, you decide to do things not according to how you use to do them, or how other folks taught you to do them, but strictly according to how God desires you to do things; according to whom He has purposed you to be.

Now to all of you out there, if you feel like you are just spinning your wheels, if you're tired of living the same ole way, if your purpose just doesn't seem to be clear.....remember to STOP! So here's the equation: STOP + PRAY + DIVINE REVELATION + FAITH + STEP OUT= A WALK IN WISDOM!

"If any of you lacks wisdon, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." James 1:5Be
Blessed Danyelle Scroggins

You can read more from Author Danyelle Scroggins by visiting or at

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