Monday, January 26, 2009

You Don't Have To Be Old To Live Right---Help Desk

To those of you who think being saved is about being old---I beg to differ. Being saved is about coming into the knowledge that you believe in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that your desire to be a CHRISTian is now evident in the life you've decided to live. We make a decision to be called CHRISTian and with this decision the requirement is that people can see CHRIST in you.

When I was younger, I thought only old folks had to have their lives right and be living right because they were closer to death. I know that might sound childish but when I was a child, I thought like a child. Now that I'm old and have grown up, I have put away childish thinking. With that, I understand that death has no age. I also now know that death has no affect on the believer. Death to the believer is life, when we are in Christ. (READ: 2 Corinthians 5:1-21)

It is my heart's desire that young people would give their lives to Christ. Remember good deeds can't get you in heaven, it is your belief. Nevertheless, doing what is right is better for us when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ. I would just like to compel our youth of today to do what is right. There's a book by Charles Sheldon called "In His Steps". I read this book when I was in bible college for the first time and have since shared it with some teenagers. I believe that this is a great resource for teens to put them on the track of doing what is right.

We must all stand accountable for what we do but if we help those who are younger than we through guidance; maybe we'll see a change in our youth. So to all of you who know to do what's it.

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