Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I know just when you thought you knew where I was going by the title, you'll see you didn't have a clue. Most of you think I'm talking about the sisters you gained by the parental structures and participants that God gave you at birth but unfortunately not so. Those, you didn't get to choose but the God Given Sisters that I'm talking about are the ones that God put in place and you just happen to choose His will, and in His will came sisters who are with you through thick and thin.I had the distinc opportunity this past weekend of bonding with a few women who God purposely set in my path to become my sisters.

There is nothing like conversing with someone who you don't feel an inch of envy towards or vice-versa. Someone with whom you can share all of your dirty secrets and never regret it. Someone who you can share what God is birthing through you and they're happy and ready to pray. This by far was so fantastic for me and I encourage you sisters out there to embrace your "God Given Sisters"! Just being in the company of these women made me forget about all the pitfalls with bad girlfriends I've had.

You know haters are born everyday but there's nothing like a woman who knows who she is in Christ and where she's going, and knows that no man or woman can stop her. So to all you sisters out there, know who you are so you can be the backbone for your God Given Sisters.

I love all of my "God Given Sisters", you know who you are and if there is anything that I can do for you, with God as my will be done.Be Blessed Danyelle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that there is someone else out there who know all you little secrets. I thought I was the only one who had secrets I had to hold and never let come forth. I felt special because I thought I was the only secret holders for you. Now I'm upset (smile) I Love You Girl!!!! Auntie