Saturday, June 27, 2009

Death Cometh: Will You Be Ready?

Every television station shows of the death of the famous. I'm really truly wondering if it's the reality that no one knew when death was coming or the fact that death came that has people the most shocked. Well, hear the voice of reason that says....death will come to each of us whether famous or never known. I am most certainly surprised when I watch the response of the death of someone with cancer versus someone who just drops their shell. It's like the cancer became the warning that death was soon to come and because of the warning, people are able to except it.

I'm blogging this today because I need you to understand that for you sake, know that no one knows when death will come to them. If we did we'd be able to live any kind of way and repent the second before death came and still be able to live again. In what we view as a perfect world this would be great but not so. We must not take advantage of the fact that God has given us right now. Life is so rewarding when we take advantage of the opportunity to consider that it is a gift and when we seek the giver of the gift, we better understand that our lives were meant to bring God glory.

Whether death comes by warning or quick, the question that truly and always matter and remain is...."Were they saved?" This word saved is a strange word with a tremendous matter. To church folks it means...did they go to church, but to real folks it means...did they get a chance to know their Creator, seek Him, know their purpose of life given by Him, and regard Him as the true and living Savior of the World.

I've had my chance to be around the saved and unsaved and I say to them both....CHANGE. To the saved we must remember to always guard our souls for an awakening enemy (sickness, hatred, sin, etc) seeks to steal or joys and belief. We must not allow the things around us to shatter the reality that when and if we drop our shells, our soul has a home not made by man's hands eternal in the heavens and the life we lived will and shall be the purest example of how God intended man to love, live, give, and grow. To the unsaved I ask...just what if you have the opportunity to live again? Just what if your belief in Jesus Christ is the one and only belief that will save you from an eternal destruction? Just what if God is truly real? Just what if there is a pit that will burn with fire that is the resting place of those who aren't saved? What if you allow the what if to penetrate your heart and you decide today to embrace the reality that God is real, He sent His son Jesus, God raised Jesus from the dead, and because of your confession by mouth and the belief in your shall be saved? Just what if it is my purpose to offer you what could be your last opportunity to believe and confess and you except it not, and die the next second? Just what if you except it and still die the next second? You'll never know until death comes and the saddest thing about death is that you can't come back to warn others.

Be Blessed

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