Saturday, January 19, 2008

Is It Ever A Good Idea To Divorce-----Help Desk

I pray that we learn to work out the differences in our marriages instead of divorcing. Jesus said Moses put divorces into affect because of the hardening of man's heart. You know that heart that fails to forgive. People make era in decisions and so do you. Stop thinking that just because God has delivered you from something that your spouse is delivered to. Sometimes the greatest thing that married people can do for one another is pray for each other and pray together.

Now, sometimes divorce is only the most logic solution if you're life is in danger. I believe that you should be living in PEACE! It's bad enough when you don't have peace on the job and then come home to a home where there is no peace.

Sometimes people divorce for selfish cold hearted reasons. They don't even really realize why they left and they go get married to someone else and take that garbage into their new marriage. It is totally possible to be still in love with someone else but married to another. It's sad but it's true. You'll never give your all in a new marriage if you haven't resolved issues and feelings from an old marriage.

So is it a good idea? Sometimes it may be a necessary idea but no matter what kind of idea it is, just repent. Why am I repenting? You're repenting because if you would have consulted God in the beginning, you wouldn't have had to get a divorce. So the sin comes in when you marry for your own selfish reasons.

Be Blessed

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